They’ll just think “I really like his/her style” without even realizing it was the tone you created that made them feel like that.Please double check your phone number, if it is incorrect we will be unable to contact you. Its that tone that makes you good, and people won’t even know why. This tone is one of the subtle things that separates good and great pianists. Work on getting that nice, warm, round, beautiful tone. Think of your arm as a heavy rope, and just let it drop. Really roll your wrist and elbow to the outside. Now repeat step 4, but this time catch your arm weight with 3 or 4 of your fingers to form a chord. You have to really focus on NOT using your muscles to push down, only use gravity to pull your fingers into the keys. Without your left hand there to help you, it can be tough to truly let go and let gravity take over. Catch it with your 3rd finger and roll your wrist down and to the outside. So put your right hand over the keys, lift slightly, and then let your arm go “dead” and drop it. Wrist flop exerciseOk, now repeat step 2, but don’t use your left hand. Your pinkie will be tough because it’s the weakest finger, so you may have to drop from a lower height. Don’t let your finger “collapse”, make sure it stays curved downwards. Your wrist will fall below the keyboard and roll towards the outside. Now you’re going to do the same thing as step one, except this time you’re going to “catch” the fall of your right hand by playing a note with your 3rd finger. It’s how you learn the complete relaxation feel. Don’t let it! It’s a natural reaction your body has but you have to overcome and let your dead arm weight hit the keys. You’ll feel your arm wanting to tense up once it starts falling. Now use your left arm to lift your right hand slightly, then drop it and let it “flop” onto the keys. Now let your right arm go completely dead, 100% relaxed so that your left arm is holding ALL the weight of your right arm. Hold your right wrist with your left hand. THE #1 PIANO EXERCISE FOR BEGINNERS: STEP-BY-STEP It was the first and most important piano technique I learned in college. When I started using this drill, it fundamentally changed the way I played. It’s that one fundamental exercise everyone should know. Its the piano technique that leads to all other piano techniques, and all beginners should really learn how to do it. This is the #1 best piano exercise for beginners. Go through this link to get the free "Become a Piano Superhuman" Online Training Plan: