If you're going to be using your computer for CAD and modelling, avoid repetitive strain injuries by getting a Logitech MX Ergo trackball mouse, available on Amazon. While it isn't particularly user-friendly for beginners, Solid Edge Community Edition is a solid piece of modelling software that lets you take your time and grow into it before you commit to buying a paid plan. Solid Edge is great for all manner of 3D and 2D modelling applications, from architectural layouts and mechanical assemblies, to 3D modelling and printing.

Its user interface and concepts are similar to AutoCAD. It includes lots of powerful features that include snap-to-grid for drawing, layers, and measurements. LibreCAD grew out of QCAD, and, like FreeCAD, has a large, loyal following of designers and customers.

Community Edition cuts down on a handful of advanced CAM features, but offers a perpetual, offline licence-a feature that differentiates Solid Edge from the competition. Another Open Source offering, LibreCAD is a high-quality, 2D-CAD modeling platform. The Community Edition of Siemens Solid Edge is designed exclusively for hobbyists and cannot be used to produce commercial content, but there is also an option to apply for a free licence if you have a start-up that's under three years old. Siemens Solid Edge is a CAD package that competes on the same level as the big players, like AutoCAD, SolidWorks, and Inventor, although its approach to modelling puts a unique twist on the normal parametric workflow. Free Trial Free Version SEE ALL PRICING Best for 1-200 users On-premise 3D parametric modeler platform that enables architects, programmers, and teachers to make machine tools and architectural designs in 2D and 3D thereby creating production-ready drawings.